Rates, Booking, & Reservation Information
The following link will take you to a Calendar to see availability of the condo. Just hit the back button to return to our website.
Rates range from $165.00/nt to $275/nt depending on season.
Discounts for longer stays
Low Season: April 1st to December ~15th.
High Season: December ~16 to March 31
Discounts for longer stays
Low Season: April 1st to December ~15th.
High Season: December ~16 to March 31
- 10 + Days
- 20 + days
- Larger discounts for longer stays
All rentals charged cleaning fee (non-refundable) $125.00
Cancellation policy:
Email me for the details
Property manager - KonaNow.com 808-466-1878
Michael - Call 408-561-1546 or email at KonaReef@live.com
Tax ID: TA-154-031-1040-01, GE-154-031-1040-01
Tax ID: TA-154-031-1040-01, GE-154-031-1040-01
This is a privately owned single unit.
Advertise: Contact Webmaster at KonareefD14@yahoo.com